By Nancy Kraus Womack
VOTE NO on Prop. B. The Humane Society of the United States has pumped $450,000 plus another million from sources outside Missouri into this ballot initiative. They want this bad and the HSUS purposely targets states that use the ballot initiative in order to bypass the legislature. It is much easier to use emotion to gather signatures on a petition to get on the ballot. Wayne Pacelle, Pres. of HSUS, calls such initiatives, second tier or ‘low hanging fruit’. It will set the stage for his first tier agenda which includes ‘factory’ farming and an end to hunting.
VOTE NO on Prop. B. The Humane Society of the United States has pumped $450,000 plus another million from sources outside Missouri into this ballot initiative. They want this bad and the HSUS purposely targets states that use the ballot initiative in order to bypass the legislature. It is much easier to use emotion to gather signatures on a petition to get on the ballot. Wayne Pacelle, Pres. of HSUS, calls such initiatives, second tier or ‘low hanging fruit’. It will set the stage for his first tier agenda which includes ‘factory’ farming and an end to hunting.
Crazy? It is Pacelle’s own words. This bill is supposedly about shutting down ‘puppy mills’. It will do nothing of the sort. The Animal Care Facilities Act (ACFA) 1992 is the law on the books. The state of Missouri is grossly underfunded and understaffed. There are only 8-12 inspectors at any given time to inspect 1600+ breeding facilities and another 1200+ non breeding facilities. Where is the call for funding in Prop. B to inspect and enforce anything? There is NONE.
Missourians are being used and the puppy mills will still be here long after the HSUS is through with us. If they can put reputable dog breeders out of business that is just one step closer to their first tier agenda. Find out about the Humane Society of the United States. Ask why Wayne Pacelle brought over so many people from PETA when he became President in 2004. Ask why every HSUS staffer at the D.C. Headquarters is REQUIRED to be a VEGAN and no animal products are allowed including WOOL SUITS! Ask why they have $162 million in assets and yet do not operate a single animal shelter anywhere!
Prop. B is a SCAM and so is the HSUS. VOTE NO!
Just a FEW of the sources:
Here is an update: According to the Missouri Ethics Commission, the Humane Society of the United States has pumped over $$2MILLION into this campaign. That is from OUTSIDE sources and from all of us fools that have ever sent $25 to the HSUS for their Christmas Cards. They do NOT help animals---they use the money to further their agenda. SHAME---WE MUST STOP THEM!