Monday, February 7, 2011

FTP - February 8th Election Helper

February Elections

Ah, those February elections! Abysmal weather, lack of notice, practically zero meaningful news coverage all coming together to produce fantastically low voter turnouts! What's not to love?

R-7 School District Tax Increase - Feb. 8, 2011

Those of us living in the Lee's Summit Reorganized School District No. 7, affecting parts of Jackson and Cass counties, should carefully consider the proposed operating levy increase we will be voting on February 8th. The proposal calls for an increase on our propery tax assessment of $.89 per $100 of assessed valuation. While that doesn't sound like a lot on the outset, the average home costing $200,000 will see an increase in taxes of over $300 annually. The question is, can residents afford the hike at this time? Your humble correspondent thinks property taxes are pretty steep now.

Rather than bore you with a long article, I'm opting to point out a few sites and articles to which other citizens have already made excellent comments. Between the articles and commentary, both sides of the argument are well represented. Only a short amount of time is required to read and make an informed decision.

From the reading I have done on this subject, the basic points and questions seem to be:

  1. In a time when we are all having to tighten our belts, shouldn't the district be asked to find additional ways to cut expenses, even if it means that some programs currently funded by public money may have to be eliminated?
  2. Should parents of public school students to pick up more of the tab for educating their own children in areas OTHER than core necessities?
  3. The district is back at the trough and using language, again, to guilt trip and intimidate voters into complying with a tax hike at a time when the future of the economy is a major concern.
  4. Why is the district spending so much money on an election at a time of historically low voter turnout?
In the interest of fairness, the final two links are the the districts argument FOR the levy increase.

LS Journal - Enough is Enough article
LS Journal - Ensuring a Legacy article
District Info - Election 2011
District Info - Election Truth Flyer

View the Sample Ballot.

Clay County - Feb 8th, 2011

Kearney R-1 School District residents will be voting on a levy increase as well. Your sample ballot language reads thus:

Shall Reorganized School District R-1, Clay County, Kearney, Missouri, be authorized to increase the operating tax levy ceiling of the District by $0.56 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation for general operating purposes? If this proposition is approved, the adjusted operating levy of the District is estimated to be $4.0623 per one hundred
dollars of assessed valuation.

Kearney Courier - R-1 Superintendant speaks with Common Sense for Common People founders.

Kearney Courier - R-1 Superintendant doubts Governor's budget plan

R-1 District Info about Levy Increase

To view a Sample Ballot, click and scroll to the bottom for a pdf.

North Kansas City or Bust?

Bust! Though we spent quite a bit of time looking for information on those running for city council in North Kansas City, we pretty much hit a brick wall. Hopefully those of you saddled with the task of voting for people who can't even seem to be bothered with an inexpensive website or a free Facebook page for the position they wish to hold will have better luck understanding who those folks are than we did. Our apologies for being no help to you.

Certificate of Distraction

Let's pass HB283 in Missouri for the sake of the sanity of future generations.

For over two years now the citizenship and eligibility of Barack Obama has been questioned by many. Recently this issue has gained even more traction in the public mind and in the media with MSNBC's Chris Matthews shedding his unique light on it. Don't be discouraged by my bringing up Matthews. The video get's better as it goes along.

Sponsored by Rep. Lyle Rowland and others, HR283 simply requires that each established political party's candidates for the office of president and vice-president of the United States supply proof of identity and citizenship in writing to the Secretary of State. Doesn't really seem too much to ask. We have much to do in this country and not much time to do it. Distractions such as these are entirely avoidable. Let's do our part to make sure that they are, in fact, avoided.

Please take a second to contact your State Rep and let them know you support passage of this resolution. Here's a quick way to get them. The sanity you save may be your own.


It's more important
than ever!

Congratulations go out to Greg Brooks and the staff of
The Citizen!

Unapologetic in it's right of center stance, The Citizen hopes to bring much needed balance to the Kansas City print news scene. The monthly publication will be distributed in the Kansas City area for free starting this week.

Like on Facebook

A pdf of the February issue is available here.

You can contact Greg via email and phone with comments and suggestions.

What Jack Knows

Kansas City's own Jack Cashill has a new book coming out entitled Deconstructing Obama: the
Life, Loves, and Letters of America’s First Postmodern President
on February 15. This months edition of The Citizen features a full lenghth article about the book.

Like!/deconstructingobama on Facebook

In it, Jack explores the likelyhood that Barak Obama's autobiography Dreams From My Father was written by someone other than the now President of the United States.

The Plaza branch of the Kansas City Library will be hosting a Book-TV event featuring Jack Cashill on February 17th at 6:30.

Event RSVP here!

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